MJET is Middlesex’s in-house electronic journal for educational discourse. It aims to provide an unintimidating way for authors to publish papers and working papers. The journal is interdisciplinary in approach and the papers are directed towards the study and research of learning in its diverse aspects: pedagogical, curricular, sociological, economic, philosophical, and technical that contribute to the development of both theory and practice in the field of education.
For more information see:
It is a possible outlet for contributors to this conference. The latest issue is currently being edited and will be available shortly. The following are the articles included in the issue:
My iPad and i. Ellie Franklin
Using iMmediate video feedback. Phil Barter
Examples of ways of working away from the desk with an iPad: strengths and limitations. Steve Nunn and Nollaig Frost
Towards the development of a mobile learning model for smart phones using stakeholders’ analysis. Evangelos Moustaka and Isabel Oliveira
Using an old technology in a new way or using a new technology in an old way? Exploring the use of audio feedback post-teaching observation? Carole Davis and Agnes Ryder
Creating an integrated online learning module for information literacy, academic writing and communication skills: The BRILO project. Adam Edwards
The inaugural issue was published in 2011 and is available (in PDF and EPUB formats) at :
Steve Chilton
MJET Co-editor
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